
men at work

just ironing out a few things and hopefully the dh site will be up and cooking soon. Tom

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  1. To Tom its Alex, Im in Chicago, where there are absolutely now waves and last night I heard what sounded like 8 rapid gunshots outside my accomodation, nobody seems to know anything about it. Hope your keeping well and Happy New Year to ya and Rachel, ill be back in LA in July. Take care!!!

    • Alex! you want to get out on that lake. freshwater swell. Hope you’re keeping warm and well. Bring on July.

  2. Tom,

    Hi it’s great to see that you are doing so well – it is your old mucker Sam Farmar – would love to hook up sometime. hope to speak soon – Sam

    • Sam! Often wonder how you are doing! Send tom ‘at’ dhsurfboards.com an email and I’ll get back to you and fill you in on the last 20 years! Tom

  3. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

  4. Hey Tom love the site ,but love that 6’7 you shaped for me some time back ,got some great waves in north mayo on it it’s a class , will be back to get another toy shaped ,keep up the great work …tommy2 dogs