I watched this massive ‘cloud set’ move up the coast this evening. My little camera was no match for the scale of the thing and you can’t really tell how impressive it was from this shot, but it really was like a set and I guess it pumped for over an hour as a front moved in. Beautiful day until it came through and raining ever since. Not as defined as the ‘Morning Glories’ that appeared in Surfer’s Path issue 63, but maybe it was something similar?
sun comes out and everyone heads to the beach
Chris Burkard has updated his website. It is kinda spectacular and includes a couple of Clarescapes for the eagle eyed amongst you…
There is also this great documentary that he is featured in
Chris Burkard – Photographer from LONELYLEAP on Vimeo.
My head is still spinning
Last night I got back from 72 eye-opening, side splitting, brain cell depleting, skin tanning, city surfing, wig wearing hours in the Basque Country. In fact I only just managed to get back at all thanks to cruising about in a haze of blissful ignorance as to how far from Bilbao airport San Sebastian actually is. Once my ignorance had been rectified there was nothing blissful left about it… Anyway, a massive shout to everyone at Patagonia Surf Europe for putting on a great opening for their sole Euro store and all the other misfits who came out of the woodwork for the surf film festibal that is still pumping right now…
These four are destined for Patagonia’s new store in San Sebastian in Spain. Can’t help wondering what waves they will grace…
I especially wanted to keep this one:
6’1 x 18 3/8″ x 2 1/4″. (6+4)+6 = 2.7kg
I’m starting to get used to plugging my wares. The latest is via Easkey Britton who called by the other day to pick up an Aileen’s board. This one is Easkey tweaked. In fact, having not had a good look at Easkey’s other boards before making this one I’m not convinced that it is 100% ‘Easkey tweaked’. When she picked this one up I had a nose at a 5’11 and a 6’8 JP she had and they were alarmingly small! I guess the proof will be in the pudding (or possibly the doughnut?!) – so watch this space…
7’5 x 18 5/8″ x 2 5/8″
Mr. Smith and a new 7’8
7’8 x 18 1/2″ x 2 5/8″. Heavy glassing (6+6)+(6+6) brings it in at about 4.5kg. Hopefully it outlasts the one that Easkey managed to break out at Aileen’s! Outline is based on my standard Aileen’s board, but tweaked a bit to feel right under Ferg’s arm. A little thinner and narrower and less full foil. Vee through the tail for stability and pocket rides, large ones…
Obviously pilot Shane O’Connor love and pap Paudie Scanlon love too. Both fellas deserve pints for bringing this slice of dh happiness to fruition. Props.
Looking forward to getting hold of a copy. (I robbed this one from Paudie’s Blog – check out Tonnta No.3, Pauds)
Please, god, don’t let this get destroyed by backwash from a filthy pier development.
I spied this brilliant time lapse of Lahinch artist Eoin O’Connor painting a mural of the view from the inside of an Aileen’s pit.
Art By Eoin – I got barrelled for a week! from Gavin Gallagher on Vimeo.
If only there was time to appreciate the view…