

Sort of makes you want to drop everything and go searching

Trevor and Aaron as seen by Clem McInerny


small people invasion

Recent action from a small person convention at Blount’s.



Scored these Stephen Higgins shots of a recent bliss day under those cliffs off swellseekers.ie. A small nugget that was pure velvet on the inside.

6’9 x 18 5/8″ x 2 7/8″. Low entry rocker and thickness help this ‘smaller’ board work for me at Aileen’s. On reflection I’ve realised that the quad set-up goes against the grain of the board’s other characteristics and have set it up as a thruster.

(Action shots are by Stephen Higgins – as robbed off the swell seekers site…)



This site has so far been left fallow for most of 2012. Time was tight in January getting ready to travel to Asturias. Despite the lack of good waves, once in Asturias I seemed to be real busy doing very little, as is the way of things. Back home to Clare for March and despite the need to work, there was the small matter of gorging myself on an epic run of surf and weather which has only just dried up.

Oh, and a few boards…

6’3 x 18 3/8″ x 2 3/8″. (6+4)+6 = 2.9kg

6’3 x 18 1/2″ x 2 3/8″. (6+4)+6 = 2.95kg

6’2 x 18 1/2″ x 2 3/8″ For Kevin. (6+4)+6 = 2.95kg inc. glass ons.

Can you guess where Kevin likes to surf? Answers on a post card.

More board shots next day or two. Son-of-bobs, 9’1 Gun, Monster Fish…


5’11 x 19 3/8″ x 2 5/16″ for Felim. (4+4)+4 = 2.85kg

5’11 x 19 3/8″ x 2 3/8″ for Nils. (6+4)+4 = 2.95kg

6’2 x 18 3/4″ x 2 3/8″ thumb for Dan. (4+4)+4 = 2.95kg



6’4 x 19 3/4″ x 2 1/2″ for Enda. (6+4)+6 = 3.5kg. Enda’s tripped off to Sri Lanka, so who knows what waves this board is planing along…


island winter

A couple of tropical ‘winter’ shots that make this morning feel even colder, steely grey and windswept than usual. Martin H knows how to bring on the shades of green with a well timed message from ‘paradise’. We salute you!

Here’s Martin and his son, Rafael. Thousands of miles from here.



A special month, even the boards are sporting them…

6’0 x 19 1/2″ x 2 3/8″ Son-Of-Bob, for the winner of the Emerald ‘Mo’ contest. (4+4) + 4 = 2.9kg.

Thanks Alan (Of Emerald Surf Wear) for getting me involved. I’m not sure if Raquel has been quite so thankful…


Kai Willmott

5’5 x 19″ x 2 3/8″ for Kai. (4+4) + 4 = 2.65kg. Quad plus trailer option plugs.

Art by Eoin O’Connor – to Kai’s design.


Old mate and lens magician, Mickey Smith, has been at it again. This time he’s telling a story with his spoken word, not just with the images he crafts. It is part of the ‘Do Lectures‘ series, which I don’t know much about, but like the spiel says, it is affirming stuff.

Make a cup of tea and check it here

I’ve been surfing a lot recently as the waves have been pumping for the last three weeks – apologies to those of you waiting on surfboards, R&D in progress. Anyway, Mickey was kind enough to send me through some shots of some DH boards being piloted through the madness under the Cliffs Of Moher…

Tom Lowe

Waiting for the right one

Fergal Smith

Surfing with these two keeps you reaching for your peak moments