
skinny surfing on 2FM

I somehow found myself talking to Colm Hayes on 2FM this morning. The subject was skinny dipping and they were interested in my tale of ‘skinny surfing’ on my last surf trip to the Philippines in ’06. Check the podcast of the broadcast

To give a bit of context, myself and Martin H were surfing a new wave he’d found in the Surigao Del Norte province. We had motored out in Martin’s pumpboat at first light and so my naked antics in the half light were not that revealing and I didn’t get a sun-burnt ass. Lovely sensation though.

Here is the set-upĀ in question:

and the peanut gallery – Bebit, Martin and Walter…

Sadly, Walter passed away a few years after this. Here’s to you, Walter.

4 comments so far

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  1. Browny points with the misses there tom!

    • What you can’t hear is the kitchen knife being pointed in my direction at that very instant!

    • btw neil, do you know how to write text in posts as hypertext that you can click to goto a different URL?

  2. Ha, good one. Yea ill send ya an email showing ya how.